Monday, January 20, 2014

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Union and Confederacy

The Confederacy and the Union each had strengths and weaknesses that the other did not. The Union was almost double in it's population than the confederacy, while the Confederacy had less people, but better generals and soldiers. This was because there were more military academies and the south, so strategic masters of war like Robert E. Lee fought for the confederacy. A huge advantage the North had though, were telegrams and railroads. Because most technology and industry was in the North, the majority of railroads and telegram lines were there. Railroads were a big thing to have, as they provided fast transportation of equipment, and more importantly, soldiers. So were telegrams. Because of instant communication, Lincoln could control his army from the White House, unlike Jeff Davis. Yet another edge the Union had over the Confederacy was that in their huge population, their were lots of factory workers, and lots of factory workers means that the Union has access to guns and equipment. Even though the South was outnumbered, all they had to do was defend their territory, while the Union was invading unfamiliar ground, which was a huge setback for the federals.

This chart shows some of the advantages and disadvantages of the Union and Confederacy.
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